My soul-mate, lover, friend, husband. My Phil.

My blog about my first husband. He was everything I ever wanted. He may not have been the most handsome man in the world to everyone else, but to me, he was perfect. I loved him with every fibre of my body and soul. I still do. Forever.

My Photo
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I am married, for the second time, was widowed. Have some AWESOME friends on the internet. Live in Blackpool. On the north west coast of England.

26 December 2005

The beginning

I suppose I had better tell you it all. Right from the beginning. If I miss anything out I will feel wrong.

I used to see a married cab driver called Steve. I didn't know he was married when I first started to see him. And by the time I found out it was too late. Thats him. In the light suit.

He was a friend too. I only started seeing him because I was so lonely. He made me feel worth something again. Not much, but something.

Anyway. He used to pick me up whenever I needed a cab anywhere. I phoned him one evening and he said he couldn't pick me up, but he would send someone he could rely on. Someone he trusted. I waited. A cab pulled up outside. I got in. The driver asked me where I was going. I told him my home address. We started talking. He told me that Steve had told him a little about me. He asked if I was okay. I told him I wasn't really. I was feeling down. The trip to my house took maybe ten minutes. When we got outside my house we were still talking. I dont know why. I felt really comfortable with this guy. I thought it was maybe because Steve had sent him. I knew I was safe. But I felt something more. I didn't WANT to get out of the cab. And I knew he didn't want me to get out either. So we sat and talked. I cant remember what we talked about. Nothing and something I guess. But, six hours later I asked this guy if he wanted a coffee. He said okay. I took him into my house and made him a drink. EIGHT hours after that he said he better go. We had just been talking. I asked him if he had to go. He said to me "If I stay now, I stay forever". And he did. We were never apart until the week he died, and when my stepfather died and I had to go help my mother. For 14 years we were together. That was my Phil. This was Phil.

This photo was taken a few days before he died. He had bought Tippi for me a few weeks before. Thats Tippi as a pup, laying there on the chair with him.
Oh god. I am crying. Crying so hard I think my heart will burst. I miss Phil so much. It feels like someone is skinning me alive. Phil was so much a part of me. We were inseperable. We loved to be together. Just being in each others company was enough.

I have to take a break.


Blogger Cassandra said... sweet how you met...talking like that for how long??? Standing outside his cab. Hugs sweetie. This is beautiful!!!

8:19 pm  
Blogger Linda said...

Beautiful love story....

10:44 pm  
Blogger Kiley said...

Romantic. As much as the memories hurt, they only do because they are so beautiful.

Hang in there.

9:11 pm  

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