My soul-mate, lover, friend, husband. My Phil.

My blog about my first husband. He was everything I ever wanted. He may not have been the most handsome man in the world to everyone else, but to me, he was perfect. I loved him with every fibre of my body and soul. I still do. Forever.

My Photo
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I am married, for the second time, was widowed. Have some AWESOME friends on the internet. Live in Blackpool. On the north west coast of England.

26 December 2005


I think I can go on now. I had a good cry. A REALLY good cry.

Phil was always great with kids. This pic is with one of my nephews. He hadn't stopped crying all day. He just wanted his Uncle Phip. All kids loved Phil. In fact I think EVERYONE loved Phil. I know I did.

Phil loved animals too. Here he is with Saab. One of our old German Shepherds.

Phil accepted my kids like they were his own. In fact, if anyone said he wasn't their dad he would have a real argument with them. He had kids of his own too. Phil had been married twice before. Was still married to his second wife when we met. But he didn't love her. Stayed with her just because the kids were there. His first wife commited sucide. Phil was in the army. Hazel couldn't cope with it all. But instead of talking to someone about it she killed herself and their youngest son, Kenny. Phil blamed himself. He loved Hazel. Always would. I accepted that. He married Connie on the rebound. Actually, Connie forced him really. He was in no state to think. She made all the arrangements and then turned up with him and told him he was marrying her. He did it for an easy life. Connie was almost evil. Ask her own kids. They would tell you. Not one of them went to her funeral when she died.

Phil would do anything for his kids. ANYTHING. I love that man so much.

Anyway, after a few years, when he got his divorce froem Connie we got married.

That his mother, May, and my mother, The Dragon.

No good. I cant write any more yet.


Blogger Lauren said...

Wendy. . . This is something that you know you needed to do. It's a labor of love and it shows. . . I admire you for being able to sit down and do this. . .

What any of us think of Phil is irrelevant. . . All we know is what you write and what we can see in the pictures. Hardly a basis for coming to any conclusion beyond the fact that you loved him in life and you still love him to this day.

I don't think there is any better testament to a person's character than what the people they leave behind have to say about them. . . That would make make Phil a Prince among men.

This is a beautiful monument to a man who not only stole your heart, but embraced your very soul. . . That depth of love is rare. . . I hope to know that kind of love before I leave this earth. . .

You are a beautiful, kind and loving soul. . . Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me that real love does still exist. . .


8:18 pm  
Blogger susan said...

I think this is great!!! It is probably helping you more than you know. I know talking about something is the best thing for me. It took me along time to talk about my son( I lost him when he was 2mos. old), but once I did, it was easier for me to deal with. Keep it up!!!!

8:56 pm  
Blogger Linda said...

Thanks for posting, and including your long as you keep Phil's memory alive in your heart, he will live on,(now you have me teary-eyed!)hugz, Linda

10:49 pm  

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