My soul-mate, lover, friend, husband. My Phil.

My blog about my first husband. He was everything I ever wanted. He may not have been the most handsome man in the world to everyone else, but to me, he was perfect. I loved him with every fibre of my body and soul. I still do. Forever.

My Photo
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I am married, for the second time, was widowed. Have some AWESOME friends on the internet. Live in Blackpool. On the north west coast of England.

21 March 2006


The new comments on this blog made me sit and think for a while. About how Phil was when I was depressed. How he was always there for me. Always there to help. How he would do whatever needed doing. But how he would always, somehow, lighten my mood and help me get back to being as normal as i could. I wish, so much, that he was here now. I have not needed someone this badly for a long time. No, not someone, Phil! I need Phil. I need his arms round me, and his voice telling me it's okay. I need to hear his voice. I need Phil. I love Clive, but I need Phil. I'll never have him with me again. I miss him. every day I miss him.


Blogger Maddie said...

I just wanted to tell you that I admire you and I am sorry for your loss.

8:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello fellow northerner. I am so sorry for the pain you are in. Bereavement is so very hard isnt it. I feel that the fact you can write your feelings down and publish it will somehow help.
Take care girl.

8:29 pm  
Blogger cmhl said...

found you through blogexplosion--- I"m so sorry for your loss!!!! I hope the blogging can help you get some of these thoughts and emotions out.

12:22 am  

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